www.foodnetwork.com - Food Network Website Recipes

www.foodnetwork.com - Food Network Website Great Recipes. The food network store website provides you with many recipes and great cooking ideas. You will know of how you should cook healthy food. If you are like eating healthy food, it is advisable that you should prepare the recipes with whole grain products and also those recipes which have got low fat foods. There are many recipes that you can use to cook tilapia fish. There are different ways which you can cook the tilapia fish. Some of the methods that you can use include poaching, grilling and sauté, frying and grilling.
In this food network website, we are going to provide you with a specific tilapia recipe which you can try out and improve your cooking ideas. To prepare this specific tilapia recipe, you should have the following ingredients: lemon juice, virgin oil, asparagus, chili cubes or powder, garlic powder, tilapia fish fillets and finally a teaspoon of salt.
In order to prepare this recipe, you should boil a measured amount of water in a pan. You should steam the asparagus using a steamer until it becomes tender. This may be duration of about 5 minutes. After steaming the asparagus, you should spread it on a large plate so that it can cool. You are supposed to combine the chili powder with salt and garlic powder. Apply the mixture onto the surface of the fish fillet. Obtain an empty pan and put the olive oil. Allow the olive oil to become hot, then place the fish fillet. Allow the fish fillet to cook adequately. On another pan, add salt, lemon juice and asparagus, and allow at least two minutes for the asparagus to cook. When the asparagus is cooked, you should serve it with the fish. Ensure that you serve the food when it is still hot. There are other many recipes that you can find in the food network store website.